Hello!!! My name is Jennifer !! and I’m a big fan of yours!! I am also Heidi's daughter who purchased Chip... my mom has blessed with me with the most incredible horse I have ever met ... and I really wanted to say thank you for the training you have done with Chip. He is absolutely amazing... my trainer is now a fan of yours as well! haha She grew up riding western showed at Congress then rode dressage ... I asked her to help me with Chip and she has fallen completely in love with him and was blown away by his training for his age and all his training in general and I told her about you... she now wants to get back into western and said if you had a horse come along that was very similar to Chip she would interesting in purchasing. Also wanted to let you know because my mom said Chip has a special place in your heart ... that he is soooo loved sooo spoiled he really is the center of my world ... he lives on my farm and completely re-inspired me in so many ways... I completely changed over to western sold my dressage saddle haha and I’m planning to start showing him in the Spring ... he really is a big puppy dog he looks for me each morning comes running when I call his name ... he is my forever guy and really wanted to thank you for everything !!! And wanted to let you know he is so so loved.
Jennifer Rose