I am writing this review regarding Christine Wakefield of precision Training in Rogue River, Oregon. I purchased a paint mare from her in February of 2018. At the time her name was “Desi” and you can see her video on YouTube, “Desi for Sale”. I started to watch the internet for a good looking paint and fell in love. I live in Chicago so all was done over the phone, via text and watching videos. In the initial conversation and video, I learned that “Desi”, now “Cowgirl” could walk and trot. Christine told me she was a prospect horse and that walk and trot was where she was at. I asked if she would keep her and train her to extend her trot and to lope. Christine agreed to do so and within two months she had “cowgirl” doing a nice slow trot, an extended trot and a really nice lope. She did everything she said she could and more. Additionally, she took my calls and kept me informed about “Cowgirl's” progress on a regular basis. I live in a near north suburb of Chicago and ride horses every morning on the Cook County Forest Preserve trails. The day after I bought “Cowgirl”, I was on those trails crossing six lane roads and riding adjacent to those roads with police cars, ambulances, dump trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards and more moving in close proximity. “Cowgirl” handled it all like a champ. Within one week we were doing it all bareback, my preference. Since my purchase I have followed Christine’s website regularly and am impressed by her ability to sell horses but not surprised as she produces what she promises. I look forward to my next purchase. Keep up the good work Christine. It’s been a pleasure.
Daniel Goodman