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We will help you breed....


The Foal of your Dreams!

*** Precision Training LLC is proud to announce we can handle your repro ultrasounds!

Stallions are welcome to stand at our facility for just the breeding year, or all year long.  All of our boys are conditioned daily and maintained to perfection!

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We are set up with a state of the art full laboratory, which is where we do all of our semen analysis.  We artificially inseminate and ship semen.  Mares that are here to be bred on the farm, are welcome to stay until they receive their 15 day ultrasound confirming pregnancy.

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Our mares here for foaling are housed in 12 X 18 foaling stalls, bedded in thick bedding and cleaned twice daily. We are equipped with camera systems and mares are examined every couple hours as foaling is near. The foal will receive navel care, enema, probios and 1 week of imprinting. It is recommended that a veterinarian come out within 12 hours for an examination of the mare and foal and an IGG Antibody Blood Test. This fee needs to be paid directly to veterinarian.

If you are thinking of breeding, or have any questions, always feel free to contact us!  We’d be happy to assist you in anyway we can.

New Ulm, Texas ~ 
Located near Austin and Houston

Take a moment to view the fine boys we have to offer at stud!

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Christine Wakefield


New Ulm, TX, USA


Austin, Texas and Houston, Texas






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